Kennis - Training - Theater
Storytelling and Polarisation
Date: Wednesday 21 May 2025, 10.00 till 17.00 h
Location: Amsterdam (exact location will be shared)

Polarisation: Everyone talks about it, but who really does anything about it?
Polarisation is often seen as a great danger to our society. Yet concrete, in-depth solutions remain absent. Why? Because tackling polarisation requires more than dialogue tables and meetings. It requires courage, time and a fundamental approach that goes beyond the surface.
Real change starts with daring to examine your own position. Nobody is left untouched in the process. In addition, polarisation requires a thoughtful strategy, based on sharp analysis and an intensive approach. Quick fixes are not enough.
Arjen Barel discovered this with his students at the University of Amsterdam. They worked for 12 weeks on complex polarisation issues and investigated how sharing stories can contribute to solutions. The result? Valuable insights and concrete tools that enable further building – provided there is enough courage to get to work with them.
We have brought these insights together in Storytelling and Polarisation and form the basis for a new training course we are launching this spring.
📅 21 May: One-day introductory training from 10:00 – 17:00. Register quickly as places are limited!