Meeting the Other Workshop: Dialogue for Peace
Storytelling is a great – alternative – method to turn young people into change makers within their community. Because through storytelling you learn to connect with yourself. If you can do that once, then it is also easier for you to connect with other people in your community.
Picture Your Story: Embrace Identity
Picture Your Story Conflicts between young people from different backgrounds and fear of the “other” is a common problem throughout the European Union. Because the situation in some EU Member States is quite tense, for example due to the arrival of refugees, we developed a storytelling project for several countries within Europe. A new method […]
Share to Connect: Using storytelling for Youth work
Share to Connect: Using storytelling for Youth work Storytelling is increasingly being used as a tool to initiate communicative, social and intercultural processes among young people. That is because storytelling is about the storyteller as well as the listener and therefore brings connection. In order to achieve that connection worldwide, we regularly pass on our […]
Casablanca Stories: strengthening identity in Morocco
Casablanca Stories We believe that every community consists of different identities. Identities that enrich and strengthen the community, as long as you can and may celebrate this diversity. To make this diversity more visible, we initiated a bottom-up project in Casablanca to put storytelling on the (cultural and social) agenda of the city. Strenghtening identity […]
Changemakers: It’s the small big stories that are important
Changemakers: It’s the small big stories that are important In a time of harsh words and radical language, the world is becoming more and more divided. People are hardening and a growing group has a negative outlook on society, causing that necessary connection to be neglected. Personal leadership is therefore more important than ever. What […]