
Creativity for Innovation

There is no beginning without an end, and after the start there is always a finish.
There are not enough proverbs to emphasise how the Creativity for Innovation project flew by. Or yes, just one more: time flies when you’re having fun (and in this case: when you are learning a lot, with some great people around!)

Stories in policymaking

Stories in policy making Storytelling is hip and happening and its usefulness is slowly making its way into government policy-making, especially as a means of increasing citizen participation. This is necessary, as citizens are becoming more vocal and have more means at their disposal to communicate and mobilise. In this sense, social media have influenced […]

Corona is just a story

Corona is just a story Before I make people angry with this headline: I believe that the coronavirus exists and that our society is currently disrupted by people getting sick. I don’t want to talk about the world of hoaxes and fake news. Rather, I would like to focus on how we make stories about […]

Don’t let corona become our only story

Don’t let corona become our only story What impact can the corona crisis have on our mental health? Besides the relational tensions that can arise from living on top of each other, many of us are also stuck in one negative story. It is important for our minds to keep making room for stories that […]

Getting through the crisis with stories

Getting through the crisis with stories! In these absurd times it is important that we keep seeing each other. Physically we can’t, but we can app, call, skype, zoom, you name it. This contact is good for our minds, especially if it’s not just about the current crisis. Yes, COVID-19 has a big impact on […]

Applied Storytelling: 4 new methodologies for vulnerable groups in the EU

storytelling voor maatschappelijke impact rondom diversiteit, conflict oplossen, taboe, jongerenwerkers, competentie ontwikkeling voor langdurig werklozen

Applied storytelling: 4 new methodologies for vulnerable groups in the EU Storytelling Centre is always looking for new and stronger methods to use storytelling in community work, in empowering vulnerable groups and in creating social impact and behavioural change. We are very pleased with the possibilities the EU provides us, as a part of the […]

Would you recognise the two main reasons for conflict?

Would you recognise the two main sources of conflict? We love conflict! In recent years, we learned that you can steer a conflict in a completely different direction through stories. One that steers away from the two biggest sources of conflict: fear of the other and miscommunication. So how does storytelling help with this? You […]

Three reasons why storytelling will always be popular

Three reasons why storytelling will always be popular​

Three reasons why storytelling will always be popular Ever since humanity has had a voice, we have shared stories. For a long time people gathered around the campfire to tell each other about past and present, to pass on wisdom and traditions and to entertain each other. How different is that nowadays. Everyone sits behind […]

Storytelling as an aid to unemployed youth

Storytelling as an aid to unemployed youth​

Storytelling as an aid to unemployed youth During the European Power of Art project, which we conducted in collaboration with our sister organisation DW-RS productions, we used storytelling to promote the innovation, employment and growth of culturally diverse and disadvantaged communities. Together with our partners we use our different creative means (such as dance, music […]