
Fortune Seeker

“Those fortune seekers”, that’s how refugees are sometimes called. We wanted to shed a different light on the story of the refugee. After all, aren’t we all looking for happiness? And what are you willing to give up in your search for happiness?

Research into free will

The performance Fortune Seeker by Soufiane Moussouli is about his cousin Hamza, who lived illegally in the Molenbeek district of Brussels for five years. He fled from Morocco for a better life. He is now married in Antwerp and happy because he has his papers. But it is also about Soufiane, a European Moroccan. Because why does Hamza want to go to Europe so much, while Soufiane really wants nothing more than to live in Morocco?

Theatre about what it's like to flee- Fortune Seeker



  • Storytelling Theatre Lab (part of the Storytelling Centre)
  • Podium Mozaïek
  • Festival First Contact

Storytelling Centre Amsterdam

The Storytelling Centre Amsterdam organises storytelling workshops and trainings for companies, civil society organisations, NGO’s and for you. 

  • Following a workshop increases your  communication skills and team player skills.
  • You learn to really listen and speak about yourself without any fear.
  • You increase your self conficence.

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For you as a human

(in dutch, but possible in english)