Would you recognise the two main reasons for conflict?

Would you recognise the two main sources of conflict? We love conflict! In recent years, we learned that you can steer a conflict in a completely different direction through stories. One that steers away from the two biggest sources of conflict: fear of the other and miscommunication. So how does storytelling help with this? You […]
Workshops in Shefa’amr- identity in conflict zones

Workshops in Shefa’amr Who are you when you grow up in a conflict zone? Can you be sure of and proud of your identity when you are constantly suppressed and your story is not allowed? Just like young people all over the world, many Palestinians sometimes forget what their stories from the past are. We […]
Young meets old: Listening without prejudice

Young meets old How do people see each other when they work on their own story and then share it in a recorded way? Without seeing each other and only hearing each other’s stories, images about the “other” are formed differently. This is what we worked with in Jong ontmoet Oud (Young meets Old) part […]
Three reasons why storytelling will always be popular

Three reasons why storytelling will always be popular Ever since humanity has had a voice, we have shared stories. For a long time people gathered around the campfire to tell each other about past and present, to pass on wisdom and traditions and to entertain each other. How different is that nowadays. Everyone sits behind […]
Storytelling as an aid to unemployed youth

Storytelling as an aid to unemployed youth During the European Power of Art project, which we conducted in collaboration with our sister organisation DW-RS productions, we used storytelling to promote the innovation, employment and growth of culturally diverse and disadvantaged communities. Together with our partners we use our different creative means (such as dance, music […]
This is why we developed an alternative method for a second language for refugees

This is why we developed an alternative method for a second language for refugees European countries have made language learning compulsory in the integration process for refugees. Proficiency in language is virtually a condition for being allowed to stay. Although there are official methods for learning a second language, these are sometimes not suitable for […]
Four benefits of storytelling to connect different age groups

Four benefits of storytelling to connect different age groups Storytelling is a strong means of initiating communication between individuals and groups, for example between different generations or different cultural backgrounds. Working in groups is an essential part of this. For example, telling and listening in groups encourages you to really get to know and understand […]
Changemakers: It’s the small big stories that are important

Changemakers: It’s the small big stories that are important In a time of harsh words and radical language, the world is becoming more and more divided. People are hardening and a growing group has a negative outlook on society, causing that necessary connection to be neglected. Personal leadership is therefore more important than ever. What […]
The Human Library: judging by listening

The Human Library: judging by listening When people aren’t strangers to each other and treat each other with benevolence, this will improve the quality of life within a society. And the better the quality of life, the greater the sense of security and the smaller the chance that polarisation or radicalisation will arise within such […]
Stage performances to connect: make taboos debatable

Stage performances to connect: make taboos debatable! It may already be known that, in addition to our social storytelling work, we also develop theatre performances that contribute to breaking taboos in our society. In contrast to traditional storytelling, we look at theatricalization of the work, where authenticity remains paramount. More about that in this blog. […]